priest. | playwright. | performer.

Theatre excites.

Theatre examines.

Theatre expresses.

I define theatre as an embodied response to the sociopolitical and sociocultural times and places we find ourselves at any given moment. This theatrical reverberation ignites reflection, scrutinizes our consciousness, and rattles perspectives to instigate transformative change. As the playwright Lynn Nottage says about theatre: “We are fabulators…we are cultural watchdogs.

artist purpose.

Using theatre, I aim to generate awareness about the fundamental responsibility of our humanity as coheirs of a global community working towards a just society.


artist mission.

I pursue opportunities to develop theatrical performances through the uses of interviews, narrative, and identity to amplify stories of the oppressed, marginalized, and forgotten/unknown.


artist vision.

I am a theatre maker and activist-artist. My playmaking advocates human rights and elevates human dignity, encourages discernment and activates coaction by uncovering the intersectionality of histories and identities in concert with the human experience.

current playwriting projects.

Plays in progress and plays unproduced.

Have a look at what is being developed and what is waiting in the queue. Works in progress take on many forms, and this photo is from a devised theatre piece called American Privilege, which had its premiere with Detroit Mercy Theatre Company.

 past projects.

 past publications.

web and podcasts.

a little about me.

I’m a Jesuit priest of the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus and I’ve worked in the field of theatre for over three decades, concentrating on amplifying oppressed, marginalized, and forgotten/unknown stories and voices. I have served as producing artistic director of Full Circle Theatre Company (Kansas City, MO), artist in residence at The Fishtank Performance Studio (Kansas City, MO), and outreach and audience development coordinator for Detroit Mercy Theatre Company at the University of Detroit Mercy. I hold a Masters of Divinity from Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, Masters in Social Philosophy from Loyola University Chicago, and a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre from Saint Mary College in Leavenworth, Kansas. Originally from Kansas City, Missouri, where much of my theatre education, development, and career took place, I’ve had the privilege of making theatre in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, and Lima, Peru. I’m a pastor, spiritual director, member of The Dramatists Guild of America, contributing writer to The Jesuit Post, and a founding member of the Jesuit Antiracism Sodality.

What does the S.J. mean? The S.J. stands for the Society of Jesus —or the Jesuits for short — an apostolic religious order of Catholic priests and brothers grounded in love and gratitude for Christ; animated by the spiritual vision of our founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola, to help others seek God in all aspects of life; and committed to the service of faith and the promotion of justice. The S.J. reminds me of whose I am, why I am, and where I am going; it is an identity and a mission.